Lactation Counseling

Quick Consult

The Quick Consult package includes one, one-hour visit. During the visit, I’ll listen to how things have been going, help you troubleshoot any issues you might be having, and provide education and resources you’ll need to go forward. | $100

Continuous Counseling

The Continuous Counseling package provides one month of support, consisting of one, one-hour initial consultation and three 30-minute follow ups. Each week I will check in with you to see how things are progressing and help you address any additional concerns or issues. | $250

“As a lactation counselor, Kellie assisted me with body feeding. At 5 days old, my son was dealing with jaundice and had latch issues resulting in me having nipple pain. Kellie helped me through it all! She is incredibly thoughtful in her approach, always making sure to ask before observing or stepping in to assist and make adjustments. Kellie always gave advice based on my personal decisions around feeding, and I felt very supported during the month she worked with me. She gave me the confidence to keep working with my son throughout the early stages of our feeding journey, and I am so grateful for her!”

— Lindsay P.