Postpartum Support

The postpartum period is such a sacred space. And while many visitors are there to hold the baby, I am there to hold you, the parent.

Postpartum support is incredibly customizable. It can look different depending on the family and even the day. Some days, it may look like me sitting with you on the couch talking about your birth, answering questions, and sharing struggles. Other days, it may look like me taking the baby so that you can nap, shower, eat, breathe - whatever you need.

As a postpartum doula, I have three main goals:

protect and foster your physical and emotional recovery

I’m there to give you opportunities and strategies for rest. But more importantly, I’m there as a safe person to confide in. You can unpack your birth experience and postpartum struggles, as well as the successes.

support the baby’s transition to life outside the womb

As a Certified Breastfeeding Counselor and an expert in newborn care, I will help you navigate life with an infant and ensure that you have the resources and referrals you both need.

take care of anything that gets in the way of the first two goals

In order to ensure that you’re able to fully recover, I will take care of simple household tasks. This can include cooking, laundry, dishes, and even grocery runs.

“There are no words to articulate the magnitude of Kellie's impact on our postpartum journey. Being first-time parents our anxiety was at an all-time high, but each time Kellie arrived it was a sea of calm.

I, unfortunately, was unable to care for my newborn son in the first few weeks of his life due to my medical complications. This unforeseen complication added another layer of postpartum stress, but knowing Kellie was going to fully show up helped put my mind at ease. Kellie brings with her her comfort, calm energy, experience, and willingness to truly support moms, birthing partners, and their new family whole-heartedly. Our family truly could not have survived the first few months without her. My transition into my new motherhood identity was gradual with Kellie's help. We are forever grateful.”

— Helen V.

Helping parents feel SEEN - Supported, Educated, Empowered, and Nurtured.